Thursday, August 8, 2024

Crunch Time!

Perhaps the number one question I get asked whenever out in the community is: How is construction going? The answer? Well, its going. First, I think its important to know that once this project is completed, virtually every inch of the existing building will have been renovated and remodeled, as well as the new addition that is the centerpiece of this project. So, what we are doing is significant.

Here is where things stand as of today. The existing building will be finished and ready for students on August 23. All of the classrooms have been renovated: new ceilings, windows, lights, and carpet. This extends to the same treatment in the hallways.

The high school commons has also been renovated and the old administrative office has been converted into additional commons space. This will eventually be home to what we are calling the 'Pirate Perk', a student run coffee shop. Oh, and wait until you see the newly renovated restrooms! They turned out fantastic!

We also have replaced all the residential grade exhaust hoods in the FCS lab with commercial grade hoods, and while not a huge change is one that will enable our students in the FCS program to complete more complex tasks. Another big change in the existing building that you may not be able to see but certainly will certainly experience is the new stage lighting upgrade in the high school auditorium. 

As far as what remains. Well, the list is quite extensive and is mostly confined to the new addition. Although we are uncertain what the status of the new HVAC system will be at the start of the school year, there will be some airs that are cooled and others that are not. We are waiting on the arrival of one key piece of equipment that has not yet arrived. Issues with the supply chain have been the story of my life over the course of this project. Students and families should anticipate uneven air conditioning at the start of the school year.

What you really can't see in the photo above is the amount of mud that is in the foreground. A year ago, we prayed all summer for rain. You remember, right? Keeping our grass green required taking out a second mortgage! The good news is the drought is over. The bad news. Well, we just need it to stop raining long enough for everything to dry out. The final excavation and grading for the parking lot will take about four weeks. But it has to stop raining first. Four weeks from today; well we are in school on that date. The chances of the parking lot being completed on time are not great. Students and families should also anticipate the same parking arrangements to start the year as we ended the year. This means continued congestion on Washington Street at the beginning and ending of the school day.

The constant rain also cause a disruption in the installation of some of the flashing over the east wall of the new gym. This resulted in difficulty painting the room due to damp interior walls, delaying painting. Our original plan was to have the new CTE center and administrative offices finished in time for school to start, but because we are behind in painting everything is backed up in the gym. The schedule in that space is unforgiving; with installers giving a hard date of September 16th to install the bleachers. 

While we had never anticipated the project would be complete with the start of the school year, we did think we would be further along. Our construction team is working hard. They have a lot of people on site and each day brings us closer to the end. I believe there is a saying that 'Good things come to those who wait'. Each day I can see progress as things begin to come together. I promise you though, once completed this will be a facility our whole town will be proud to call home!

No matter what, even if the project isn't finished we'll be ready for students on August 23rd. 


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