Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Registration Material Set to be Released

Registration material for the 2024-2025 school year is scheduled for release on Monday, July 29. I know you are accustomed to receiving this material closer to the beginning of July instead of the end of July, but the change this year was deliberate. With the transition to Bound over the summer, we needed a bit of time to prepare for this change. That, along with a couple of other outside resources that always seem to cause delays made it an easy decision to delay the opening of registration. Who is really thinking about school at the beginning of July anyway? In an event, registration is now open. If you have any questions or need assistance, our office is open daily. 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are in the midst of tremendous change in our school district as construction at the high school is close to wrapping up! Even though it is a very exciting time for our district, I’ll continue to urge flexibility and patience during this final phase, which we anticipate will be finished later this fall. Parking should be better this year, however it will continue to be an ongoing challenge for the foreseeable future. Parking behind the P-8 building remains reserved for employees. If parking is not available in one of the designated parking lots, you will have to utilize street parking. 

Everything needed to register for the 2024-2025 can be found on our website at Simply go to the ‘parents’ tab and click on ‘School Registration - Forms, Supply Lists’. Here you will find all the registration material-including the ‘Topics’ newsletter. Online registration provides convenience and flexibility while streamlining the process. Detailed instructions for registration are included with this mailing to help get you started. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We urge you to complete the registration process by August 8 so we can finalize schedules and class lists. In addition to an expected enrollment increase greater than 4% we have numerous families on waiting lists to get into our district. Your registration helps us solidify enrollment, enabling us to make final admission decisions for those families still waiting.

We value your input, feedback, and questions! For this reason we take our responsibility to interact with the public very seriously and strive to ensure that timely pertinent information is readily available for you, and that you have an opportunity to interact with your superintendent as seamlessly as possible. There are several ways to receive district wide communication:

The school website hosts a plethora of information that is of value to our patrons, including staff directories, lunch menus, activities and events, and even school news. You are encouraged to become a regular user of our website, located at

Superintendent’s Blog is a weekly column that is generally published every Wednesday online and the following Thursday in the Hudson Herald. This column is used to share school news and locally contextualize statewide and national policy proposals. It is also used to educate our public on a variety of education related topics. You can find and subscribe to the blog at  To make sure you don’t miss any articles, please consider subscribing by typing your email address in the subscription box on the right hand side of the screen.

Twitter  For those of you who are tech savvy, I would also invite you to follow me on Twitter at This is a great way to keep up with what is going on in school, and who knows, you may even see a picture with some familiar faces from time to time!

Facebook We have also worked hard over the course of the last year to improve our presence on Facebook, which you can find at @hudsoncommunityschools. All of our social media channels are accessible from the main page of our website.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 319-988.3233.

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