Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Word: Change

Nothing ever stays the same, does it? Just look at how different this school district appears physically! Hopefully you would agree that the changes to our district facilities have resulted in positive improvements. At the same time, many of the changes in our district are more subtle. Perhaps it is the adoption of a new math curriculum, or a change in approach to literacy instruction. Maybe the addition of computer science courses at the high school; all these changes have been designed and implemented with the goal of improving the student experience here at Hudson Schools. Other changes are just a sign of the times and a result of the constant churn of life. Take for example the demographic makeup of our faculty. It certainly has changed over the years. We have 70 teachers on staff. Only 22 of them were here when I arrived. I'm not sure that is an indictment of my leadership or a sign of my age! I guess I'll leave that to you!

With the passing of one year to another it is a time to look forward to the excitement that comes with the start of a new year, and as is tradition: set goals. I have never been a 'New Years Resolution' kind of guy, because let's face it: I'm not interested in losing five pounds and if you think I am going to start a daily gym regimen, well you really don't know me all that well then, do you? Instead, for the past several years (I think we are coming up on a decade at this point) I have instead chosen the 'One Word'. So the word this year is 'change'. I believe the saying is that, 'the only thing constant in life is change!' In any event, I chose this word because I believe we are in for some substantial change this year. Truth be told that probably isn't all that surprising based on the very nature of how education works and how policy is set at the state level. Nevertheless, I do think there are a couple of notable changes on the horizon that are likely to have quite an impact on our district.

The truth is that change is not always easy, and in fact can be quite difficult for some. Depending on one's perspective change can either be good or bad. Without a doubt, change can cause anxiety. As humans, there is comfort in maintaining the status quo. We know what to expect and often are able to anticipate how certain events will unfold based on past experience. Change disrupts this anticipatory ability. When we are unable to anticipate and plan, or if our worldview is disrupted due to change; it can be stressful. Some change can be exciting and cause for great celebration. Other times, it can bring on bouts of anxiety that can be difficult to manage. 

In our school district (as will be the case in many around the state), I think we'll see a number of positive changes to schools. At the same time, I am concerned about other changes that are likely on the horizon and fear they may do harm to public schools. 

Sometimes change come about slowly and give us ample time to prepare. For example, as our enrollment continues to increase, we'll need to plan for larger class sizes. Larger class sizes will create the need for more teachers and job opportunities that will positively impact our local economy. After living through years of declining enrollment this is indeed a welcome change! (But not one without challenges!) In many ways enrollment increases have 'flipped the script' for us. As a school district, we used to delay hiring decisions based on unknown and unreliable enrollment projections. These days, speed is the name of the game. It is important for us to be able to quickly enter the labor market so we can compete for the best talent available. It wasn't always like that here in Hudson. Change.

In September we passed a bond issue for renovations to the high school. Since that election, our team has been meeting regularly and with increasing frequency as we prepare to get that project ready for bidding. I'm looking forward very soon to share an update with you all on these plans as they continue to be refined and finalized. Our construction team has been very busy receiving input and feedback from multiple user groups as these plans come to fruition. It is our desire to be in position to begin construction this summer. This is a very exciting project for our school district and one I know we will all be proud of once completed. Change.

Two years ago, Mr. Schlatter shared with me that during the 2022-2023 school year he would not only complete his twentieth year as principal at Hudson elementary, but that it would mark his fortieth year as an educator. He was being circumspect while at the same time foreshadowing a future where someone else was leading the elementary school. As this school year was getting underway, he shared privately with the team that he was likely going to retire, and on the morning of November 22nd he put it in writing. At our December board meeting it was made official. We are happy for Mark and wish him well on this big change that will be coming his way in a few short months. I promise we will have ample opportunity in the months ahead to thank him for his service and to honor him for his accomplishments on behalf of the district. But in the interim, we have to prepare for a seismic change in our district: the search for Mr. Schlatter's successor. That work has already begun with an official announcement of vacancy right before Christmas: one that is already yielding candidates. I'll be meeting with stakeholder groups in the coming weeks to outline the process for filling this very important vacancy and how you can become involved. Change.

Finally, there is the change that is likely to be a surprise to all of us. The legislature will convene in a few days and with it there will be multiple policy proposals that impact our public school system. Some of these will be welcomed changes, and others not so much. Frankly, when the legislature is in session it often is a source of great stress and high anxiety. Why? Well, it is change of course! And it is change that is largely out of [my] hands. While I have the opportunity to advocate and educate our legislators, it sometimes feels as though that advocacy is not effective. As the session unfolds I'll be certain to explain to you how these changes will impact our school district and encourage you to advocate on behalf of Hudson Schools. Change!

Here's to the change that 2023 is certain to bring!

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