Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Comfort and Excitement

At the beginning of the school year, I posed a series of questions to our employees based on their years of service here in Hudson. Over the course of this school year, I have enjoyed sharing those reflections with you here.

For those with 11-15 years with the district, I really wanted to know what still excites them about coming to work. In full disclosure this is the same bracket that I would fit in, now closing in on the end of my 14th year with the district (and 29th year in education). So, the quick math would suggest that roughly half of my career has been spent right here in Hudson. Prior to this stop, I found myself at 4 other schools over a span of about 15 years. At this point in one's career, a comfortable routine begins to emerge. So the question may become, is it still exciting or is it like the comfort of a warm blanket on a cold winter evening. Perhaps it can be both?

For me, the ebbs and flows of the calendar provide direction, balance, and certainty. School starts every August. The budget is finalized in April. Right now, we are in hiring season. Furthermore, I've been here long enough that I have a pretty decent grasp on the community dynamic and value system. There is no doubt this knowledge helps in my decision making. I might also opine the community probably understands my perspective and many times will know how a particular issue may be settled based on prior experience. This bond hopefully leads to few surprises. So, sure I can admit there is a great deal of comfort here. 

But where is the excitement? Well, I can honestly say that after all these years, the excitement comes from seeing everything come full circle. I touched on this ever so briefly last week. From my view in the balcony I've been blessed to watch these students grow from little kids who had to be taught 'body basics', (also known as walking down the hallway in a straight line quietly with your hands to yourself), to confident young adults who can develop a marketing plan for beef cattle, earning national accolades while eloquently pitching that plan to a room full of strangers. It is incredibly thrilling to watch our students as they journey along the continuum of our educational program and discovering who they are and where their interests lie. It is satisfying beyond belief to know that, yes; our program works.

It doesn't stop there though, not at all. Have you ever been so engrossed in a book that you just couldn't put it down? Because you could hardly wait to see what happens next? Or how about a great movie? It is so good that you don't want to get up because you might miss something? That is Hudson! I suppose in some respects, it is a fear of missing out on something. There are just so many great things going on in our school and community that the opportunity to be part of that environment is satisfying. Indeed the constant churn of change leaves one not wanting to 'change the channel'. That is  what still excites me! But what about everyone else that fits into this category? Let's explore some of the reasons they shared. 

One teacher emphasizes the energizing nature of constant change. Every school year brings a new batch of students, each with unique personalities, strengths, and challenges. This constant influx keeps the work environment dynamic and exciting. The opportunity to tailor their approach to each student and witness their growth is a source of immense satisfaction.

Another educator highlights the infectious enthusiasm of the students themselves. The thrill of discovery, the "aha!" moments as they grasp new concepts, and the sheer joy of learning – these are experiences that teachers get to share with their students every day. Witnessing this eagerness and intellectual curiosity is a powerful motivator that keeps them engaged.

The challenges presented by each new school day are also a source of inspiration for some teachers. Every lesson presents an opportunity to innovate, to find new ways to connect with students and make complex topics understandable. The chance to problem-solve and constantly improve their craft keeps them feeling mentally stimulated and professionally fulfilled.

Beyond the classroom walls, a deep love for the Hudson community fuels the passion of these educators. The chance to give back to their hometown and play a role in shaping the next generation is a privilege they deeply value. Building relationships with students, families, and fellow educators fosters a sense of belonging and purpose that extends far beyond the daily grind.

The camaraderie and supportive network formed with colleagues is another perk highlighted by several teachers. Working alongside a team that shares their values and dedication creates a positive and collaborative work environment. Bouncing ideas off each other, celebrating successes, and offering support during challenging moments – these shared experiences strengthen their resolve and make coming to work a pleasure.

The variety that each day brings is another reason these educators, and their superintendent find this work so rewarding. No two days are ever exactly alike. There's always something new to learn, a fresh perspective to consider, or an unexpected turn of events to navigate. This inherent unpredictability keeps us on our toes and ensures the work remains stimulating and engaging. 

Did I also mention it's Great to be a Pirate?

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