Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Quality versus Quantity

Over the years I have been relatively consistent when it comes to this blog. But my regular readers may have noticed that hasn't been the case lately. Now, over the course of the last couple of summers I have given myself the luxury of taking a hiatus, because well; it's summer. While we maintain regular office hours over the summer months, the tasks of preparing registration material for the upcoming school year or transitioning to a new job posting platform probably aren't all that exciting. I'll just go ahead and make the assumption you aren't interested in reading about those exploits either. (But if you are just let me know, I would be happy to go into great detail. A bit of a teaser: I'm not a fan!)

I digress. In any event, I am committed to providing you with relevant content that if not a bit entertaining, then at the very least informative and useful. My goal has been to do this weekly, and for years have been able to meet that goal. However, sometimes providing you with relevant content has taken a backseat to providing you with content. In other words, my view had been to post something each week. If it wasn't any good that wasn't the most important goal. The primary goal was to post. So long as I could 'check the box' then I felt I had met the goal for that week. I was sacrificing quality for quantity. 

Granted, 'good' can oftentimes be in the eye of the beholder. Now, I am certain many of my loyal readers out there can attest to some real flops over the years. I can as well. Further, I suspect that we may differ where 'fan favorites' or quality content is concerned. But of one thing I am certain: I was, and am quite aware when a post misses the mark. Believe me, there were weeks when I just simply couldn't think of a topic to write about and phoned it in. I knew from the moment I pushed the publish button that I had simply completed a task on my list of things to do for the week so I could simply move on to the next item on my agenda.

Frankly that seems to be the antithesis of what we ask from our students. Pretty ironic the superintendent needs to be reminded not to 'pencil whip' his homework!

So then, my goal going forward is to provide content that is both educational and useful. My attempt will continue to be posting weekly, but not at the expense of quality. There will be some weeks when I feel that I don't have anything particularly useful to say. That said, posts over the summer will continue to be less consistent.

Next week I'll be back with an update on the construction going on at the high school. The pace has really begun to pick up and I am eager to share an update with you!

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