We are living in trying times, Pirate Nation. Settling in to this new normal is proving to be challenging on multiple fronts. Like you, I yearn for the time when we can again gather as a community for a regular day of school, to see our students perform, and to watch them compete. Unfortunately we are going to have to remain patient.
Based on the news from the Governor of Iowa’s press conference yesterday afternoon, the Hudson Community School District will remain closed through April 30th.
This includes all buildings and facilities at the Hudson Community School District.
All activities remain cancelled throughout the duration of this closure including any open gym, athletic practice, rehearsal, or any other activity otherwise sanctioned or not by the school district. Classes will resume and our schools will reopen only when it is deemed safe to do so working in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Education, the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Black Hawk County Health Department, the administrative leadership team, and the Hudson Board of Directors. Facilities remain accessible only to those personnel essential for continuity of operations including administrators, clerical staff, custodians, maintenance staff, and contractors.
Understandably this is not the news that you wanted to hear and my heart breaks for the students who are missing their teachers and the teachers who are missing their students. I am saddened for all of our students, but particularly for the Class of 2020 who will be left with a hole in their high school experience and an ending that we could not have foreseen.
There are many questions that you have; questions that we all have. However, the reality of the situation is that we simply don’t have all the answers. All we can do each day is the very best we can, and to expect nothing but that from everyone else: our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors, and even those we look to for answers. That’s what I ask of you: do the best you can. And if we can do that Pirate Nation, then I promise you: everything will be alright!
Now then, here are a few things that we have been working on that we hope can provide some clarity:
First of all, I want to give a huge shout out to our teachers for all they are doing. They are working hard to create engaging opportunities for students at all grade levels. Recognize this is very tough work and they have made a transformational shift in the way teaching and learning happens. This has all been done on the fly without an ounce of preparation or training. Please help them out by encouraging your child’s participation.
My administration continues to evaluate the current delivery model of instruction to determine our next steps. This consists of exploring the option of shifting to limited required student participation that would include assessment of student work and awarding of credit. At the same time, we recognize this shift would come with a very steep and challenging set of requirements that will have to be addressed. Part of our deliberative conversations right now are to consider how feasible it would be to launch a rigorous, comprehensive, and accessible academic program in such a short time frame without overloading our teachers, students, and parents. We understand that as parents, you are not trained teachers and didn’t sign up for this. You are doing the best you can, and for that we are thankful. At the same time, we recognize that while we have a highly trained and capable teaching force, they too are parents; and many of them have young children of their own that exacerbates and adds to our collective challenge.
Nevertheless, please know that it is our full intent to hold students harmless during this time we have been offering voluntary educational opportunities. If/when we determine it is beneficial to move to a compulsory and required model of remote educational delivery we will commit to ensuring an accessible method of instruction that at the very least meets basic core academic requirements. Our approach right now is to consider what triage is necessary for the loss of instruction during this closure.
Food Service
I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize the heroic work of our food service staff. Perhaps the most quintessential of essential workers right now, they are working incredibly hard with a fraction of their regular staff to ensure all our students are provided with the nutrition they need to stay healthy. Not only that, they truly are doing yeoman’s work by not only providing nutritious meals, but doing all they can to add variety to the menu. Please let them know you appreciate their efforts!
As a reminder, meals are available for all students age 18 and under. Additionally, a recent rule change by the USDA makes it easier to maintain social distancing by no longer requiring students to be present for the distribution of meals. If you are interested in receiving meals, please sign up by visiting our Coronavirus webpage. This simply helps us determine how much food to prepare.
Our activity program may be as equally important to some, and perhaps the most difficult of subjects we need to come to terms with. For some, the very essence of what it means to be a Pirate derives from our robust and successful offering of student activities. Many of you are longing for answers regarding some big events that are on the horizon. Here is what I can tell you.
Musical: The cast and crew of the musical was at the apex of their preparation when this closure began. It is still our intention to have the musical and we have been working closely with the directors to find an appropriate date. One idea that we have been deliberating is having the musical coincide with Hudson Days.
Athletics: We continue to follow the guidance of both the IHSAA and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union. Both organizations have provided clear guidance that we are following with strict adherence. Mr. Wurzer is in regular contact with these organizations as needed. All our athletes should prepare themselves for the distinct possibility that there will be no spring sports seasons.
Prom: Postponed from April 18th, we still have May 9th scheduled for the prom. However, at this time, the likelihood we host prom for our students is diminishing. Yet we remain hopeful. The fact of the matter is, we may not be able to find another date which would unfortunately force us to cancel the event. Believe me, we do not want to do this.
Graduation: This is the biggest question of them all. Currently graduation is scheduled for May 17th. Fact of the matter is, Mr. Dieken and I went ahead and ordered the printing of the diplomas. While it is entirely in the realm of possibility that we have to postpone graduation, we will find a way to honor our graduates. To the Class of 2020: One way or another, I am shaking your hand and presenting you with a diploma.
Board Action
The emergency resolutions adopted by the board on March 23 remain in full force and effect for the duration of this emergency. That stated, it is likely the Board of Directors will hold an electronic meeting in the coming days in accordance with IAC 21.8 to consider continuing resolutions. Normal posting requirements in alignment with IAC 21 will be followed.
In closing, I know this is not the news you had hoped to hear today. It is difficult for me not to see you right now. I want you to know that I care about you very much, and we make these decisions because we want to keep you safe from harm.
Continue to do the best you can. Engage with your teachers and learn something new. Stay strong and keep the faith. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.